goombette: hi poeple and peepettes! you are watching the k.o.t.r. ! howdy gaiys im goombette
j.r: and im j.r! momma we got a thrash tonight!
in the pink corner wieghing at 37 lbs, this is the powerpuff, the mega fluff, KIRBY!
and in the very green corner wieghing at 256, it is the muncher, ja cruncher, YOSHI!
robert:I think our fans will get there money worth it tonight!
goombette:man, talkin bout copy cat
                                                              j.r.: have you heard of the 5 copycats joke, where one jumped in and what happened?
goombette: and yoshi starts with a lick attack....
                                                            j.r: umm.. owen the joke?

j.r.:sick dude!
j.r.: oh boy now he's pissed
goombette:what a comeback!
j.r:oh no, yoshi could be a goner now!
j.r: what the hell just ran over there?
                                                             goombette: well that manulfunctioned.......
goombette: now kirby's in a kick in his balls!
goombette: here it comes!

goombette.: ah crap! he missed!
                                                             j.r.:but wait!
j.r: alright ! yoshi won!
goombette:umm now what the hell does yoshi want!

j.r.:how rude!
j.r:what the hell

goombette:ohhhohhh! that would hurt him!
goombette: well folks I'm hope your happy with another shitty deathmatch out the hole
j.r: wanna go back? click here