cricket pie: give to frogfulcis for a froggie stick and carry on game
cricket jam:give to frogfulcis for 10 WHOPPIN frog coins!wooooop!
room key.. open door in booster's tower to the zoom shoes
elder key: open door in booster's tower by the pictures to get the chomp weapon
temple key: give to golden belome for TREASURE!!!
fireworks:bought off a mole in molesville for 500 coins (ow..)
shiny stone: trade to lil girl in moleville fireworks
carbo cookie: give a shiny stone to ANOTHER girl in moleville
greaper flag: flag needed for the ghost medal
dry bones flag:flag needed for the ghost medal
big boo flag:flag needed for the ghost medal
beetle box: used for catching beetles on booster hill
bambino bomb:used to blow the caved wall in the mines