november 1: happy holloween folks,
i got a crap load of candy this year!
well for today ive got the goomba
sequal up, and a pikachu comic. check em out.
october 7... bloody ***k! i cant believe i lacked an update like this! i got mario vs link up. ive been playing in the arcade way to much after that
august 21: well whaddya know. I
made a flash 4 sample. but the 30 day trial expired. when I get the full
version and learn how to make GOOD flash.
this site is gonna kick major ass
august 11: ***k me in the goat ass! I got a couple chapters on quest 4 the missing hat, and pokemon anonymous is up.
july 23: another quick update. quest for the missing hat is up. and a new stick comic. "always read the label" you twat.
july 21:uhhh, damnit I did it again:
frequently asked questions and a monthly list. and from now on, you'll
sometimes see 3d pics in the comix. oh haitus
reaal life is interfering
july 4:sorry about this update lack, I was kinda busy.I just added more to why pokemon sux, and im starting a new epic, quest for the missing hat.
june 25: I think I swallowed my tounge ring, but anyway, I got the list, comes in updated every month, and on june 16, it was my birthday! so im not 11
june 12: im back- the goomba votes are in. wait till you see the comic, you'll see the victor. but for now, a mario christmas comic
june 3rd : sorry about the updation
lack, but my cpu crashed down, but I didnt lose anythin belongin to the
site! well today a got 4 new comix.
the kitty of doom, goombas day
of a living hell, kirby vs yoshi and toad vs koopa troopa! dbz vs pokemon,
the mario dance, and more linkx!
well ***k me with a 10 foot pole
may 15: more sprite sheets and edited the comix mainpage slightly
may 10th: man, my life is on this!
for the comix, damn im fast eh?
may 6th : damnit that was fast!
I started dirty disses and got to part 1 and 2
luigi vs luigi and the sprite sheets.
they are under construction
may 3rd : holy shit! we finally updated! more anti pokemon crap, got pasta? in comix and joined the anti pokemon webring, phew, I couldnt update kuz i had to get mo room, ok enuf jibba
april 23: happy easter!
april 1 2000 :sorry, i cant update
4 a long time
febuary 17,2000:happy valentines
febuary 18, 2000 i totally changed my front page and added an anti pokemon site cuz i know it is lame, boring, and unorigonal
MARCH 1 2000:added mario 64 and world + other stuff in anti pokemon
febuary 24 2000: added more yo mama snaps such as so stupid about teeth etc
febuary 1,2000:ja yo mama snaps
january 15,2000:started the comix FINALLY!
january 1 ,2000:HAPPY NEW YEARS! look at that fresh new number, dont you love the number 2000?
since october 18 1999